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Showing posts from February, 2011

Dr. Diamond receives Proficiency Rating in Activator Method

Activator Methods International has announced that Dr. Scott Diamond has achieved a Proficiency Rating in the Activator Method Chiropractic Technique for calendar year 2011. Such an achievement is a reflection of Dr. Diamond's significant commitment of time and energy to complete Activator's rigorous continuing education program. The designation also places Dr. Diamond in an elite class of chiropractic physicians who are expertly trained in the world's number one instrument adjusting technique. In order to receive a Proficiency Rating, a doctor must attend an Activator seminar and then successfully complete written and practical examinations. The rating is valid for one year, and the doctor must continue his training annually in the Activator Method to maintain this status. Dr. Diamond graduated from Life College in 1996 and specializes in treating patients with this gentle, low-force technique that is proven through clinical trials to provide relief for numerous ailments. ...

Secrets of the Super-Healthy

We all know someone, maybe even several people, who are healthy no matter what “bug” is going around. You know, the ones who show up on the job every day, who never use a single sick day all year. They seem to have been born with super healthy genes or powerful immunity to disease that helps them move easily through their lives – upbeat, positive and happy. What are they doing that you’re not? Maybe if you do what they do you’ll get what they get! Here are some tips for healthy living that you can use to be more like them, instead of being envious of them! • Exercise to raise your heart rate, oxygenate cells, increase circulation (which increases white blood cell count – the cells that fight disease), release endorphins (“feel good” brain chemicals), strengthen bones and muscles, release stress, gain energy and lose weight. There are so many benefits to exercise and you can accomplish all this with a 30-minute brisk walk daily! • Drink green tea and eat plenty of broccoli and apples...

That Darn Tuba Player!

Your brain and nervous system is the conductor that orchestrates the workings of your entire body. With clear communication between your brain and all the pieces of the orchestra that make up your body, the beautiful music we know as 'life' is produced. But many people have a problem with their tuba player! For some the tuba player could be their thyroid. Or their gallbladder. Or their stomach. Or their lower back, neck, immune system, ankles or kidneys. Or whatever. Their tuba player can't see the conductor or even hear what the rest of the orchestra is playing! That often causes one of two things. Sometimes the tuba player just sits quietly doing little or possibly nothing at all. Other times, the tuba player goes overboard with complicated scales and riffs totally out of synch with what the rest of the orchestra is playing. The medical approach would be to surgically remove the tuba player or chemically suppress the off-key notes. The chiropractic approach is to restore ...