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Showing posts from August, 2011

A Tangerine A Day...

... may keep the doctor away. A recent Japanese study found that people who ate citrus fruit nearly every day had a lower risk of cardiovascular disease than those who almost never ate any. According to the study, the high antioxidant levels in citrus may block the formation of free radicals and repair existing damage. Try adding orange, tangerine or grapefruit sections in your salads. Another yummy way to add some citrus to your diet is to substitute diced citrus for tomatoes in salsa to use as a quick sauce for grilled fish.

Joint Health

As seen in Men's Health Magazine Physical Activity Good for Joint Pain, Docs Say By Blaine Mcevoy "Regular Physical activity c an help curtail joint pain from osteoarthritis, experts say. The new recommendation overturns the traditional belief that damaged joints need rest. Exercising as little as 15 minutes three times a week can help reduce inflammation, increase lubrication to cartilage, and strengthen muscles that support joints and absorb shock. 'For a knee ache, a less weight-bearing exercise like cycling increases stability and muscle strength,' says rheumatologist John M. Davis. 'For low back troubles, stabilize the spine first with exercises that strengthen the abdominals and obliques.'