We came across an interesting article, "Life changes can put a smile on your face" written by Elizabeth Weise.
Researchers in Germany, Holland and Australia have found that life changes can have a lot to do with life happiness.
Since the 1980's psychologists have subscribed to the set-point theory of happiness, which says that happiness is 40%-50% genetic and that once you're an adult, there's not much you can do about how happy you are.
A 26 year study of Germans, which has more than 60,000 people enrolled, suggests otherwise.
Ongoing research shows that:
*Women whose partners give high priority to family goals are significantly happier than women whose partners give family matters low priority.
*Emphasizing success and material items is actually harmful to life satisfaction.
*Working too little is worse than working too much (presumably because of lack of money), but not having work is worst of all.
*For men, being underweight is associated with lower life satisfaction. Obese women were relatively unhappy, but women who were overweight have average levels of life satisfaction.
Still not smiling?...
* Marry someone who's not neurotic!
* Focus more on friends and family, less on material goods.
* Get involved in making the world a better place.
* Have a job but also enough time for leisure.
* Stay physically active.
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