After seeing a man skip across the street early this morning, we thought it would be interesting to check out the benefits of skipping... and apparently there are quite a few!
Skipping- the hippity hoppity gate that came naturally to us as children is great for the body, mind and spirit!
What are the physical benefits?
Skipping is great exercise. It burns twice as many calories as walking. It has less impact on your joints than running and is joy based, unlike running, which generates from our fight or flight reflex.
It's a playful way to add variety and fun to your workouts.
What are the mental benefits?
Skipping is an instant mood lifter. The next time you are feeling down, try skipping just ten steps. Keep in mind that the times you feel like skipping the least are likely the times that you need it the most.
It is virtually impossible to skip without smiling.
Skipping also helps you to be true to yourself. It is surprisingly challenging for most adults to do. In order to do so, you must be willing to let go of your fears about what other people think about you.
When the judgment of others is no longer an issue, magical things can happen
How long do you skip at a time?
That really depends on the person and the situation. With skipping there are no rules or expectations.
In fact, the best skipping moments happen completely spontaneously in the moment and for short periods of time.
Don't people think you are crazy?
Some people do.
But even more people will smile and nod appreciatively. You'd be surprised how many people never even look twice.
And as for the people who do think that skipping is crazy.. which do you think is crazier?
Adding joy and positivity to the world or squelching someone's desire to do so through judgment and negativity?
So get out there and start skipping!
When you're out with a group of friends see how many people are willing to give it a try.
Skip with your kids.
Ask your aerobics instructor if they'll incorporate skipping into your class.
Most importantly, just have fun with it!
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