The days are getting longer, the cabin fever is lifting and it's time to get ready for the warmer weather ahead. Now you can see the hamster-sized dust bunnies and spider webs, it must be spring cleaning time. Before you go hog wild with the disinfectant and the scrubbing, here are some tips that can safeguard or even improve your health in the process:
*Clean or replace your heating and air conditioning filters to reduce airborne allergens. Do the same with your vacuum cleaner.
*Use environmentally safe cleaning materials. Wear gloves to reduce the absorption of chemicals through your skin.
*Look for damp areas where mold or mildew can form, especially in the bathroom or kitchen. Mold is a commonly overlooked allergen that affects many.
*Inspect bicycles and outdoor play equipment for needed repairs. Look for loose bolts, rust and signs of impending danger.
*Have your chimney cleaned. If you have a wood-burning fireplace, this is a great time to have it checked for creosote buildup.
Like many healthful activities, many of these are preventative in nature. Like good health, prevention is less expensive, less stressful and can often catch little problems before they become serious. So, our final spring cleaning suggestion is even closer to home...
*Come in for a chiropractic check up. If it's been awhile since your last visit, we can help get you in tip top condition for the busy months ahead.
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