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Showing posts from May, 2011

Pain PR Campaign Announced

The public relations firm of Sensori & Partners has been named by Pain, Inc. to lead a campaign to upgrade the public perceptions of pain. 'Pain has a bad rap', observed a spokesperson. 'We plan to refurbish its image so it can assume its proper place in the lives of the public.' Pain, which used to be seen as a warning sign of some other issue, is today perceived as the problem itself. 'We'll use strategies we used to stop the effort to lower the piercing sound made by smoke detectors,' says the spokesperson. 'People need to know that pain, like the smoke detector alert, is rarely the problem. It's a warning sign something needs attention." 'Bring it on!' says a spokesperson for the drug-lobbying group. 'Most people prefer the easy way and popping a pill is convenient. Drug users can mask the pain and carry on with their life. We don't expect significant changes.' (Naturally, this is a parody. But it makes a great point....

One Moment Meditation

Many of us get so caught up with the stresses of our daily lives that we forget to take a moment to just breathe. Martin Borosen, author of One Moment Meditation:Stillness for People on the Go, provides an easy way to do this anywhere & anytime. It begins with an exercise that takes just one minute per day. As you progress, it will take less and less time. You will then have the power to transform just one moment into an opportunity to reduce stress, refresh your mind, and open yourself to new possibilities. Start with the Basic Minute: The Basic Minute "One-Moment Meditation: Stillness for People on the Go begins with an exercise called The Basic Minute. With the Basic Minute, you can learn to experience a quiet mind – free of thinking and doing – in just a minute. Although the purpose of One-Moment Meditation is for you to experience deep peace in just a moment, we start with a minute because a moment goes by so quickly that you’d have to be a master to notice ...

May Promo: Boston's Walk for AIDS

Our last promotion supporting Project Bread was a great success thanks to our wonderful patients. This month we are supporting another wonderful cause- Boston's 2011 Walk for AIDS which is held on Sunday June 5th. Every year since 1986 Boston has gathered on the first Sunday in June for AIDS Walk Boston, an annual grassroots community event benefiting AIDS Action Committee of Massachusetts. AIDS Action Committee of Massachusetts is New England’s largest and oldest AIDS service organization. For twenty-five years, thousands of dedicated participants have raised millions of dollars for AIDS Action’s innovative programs and services that are essential to maintaining the health of individuals living with the disease and preventing the spread of the epidemic. Just as important, the Walk also raises our awareness of the impact HIV/AIDS has on individuals, families and the community at-large, reminding us all that we must work together to stop the spread of HIV. How can you help? Diamond ...

March/April Project Bread Promo

THANK YOU to all of our wonderful patients and your referrals! Because of you, Diamond Chiropractic was able to donate $160 to Project Bread's Walk for Hunger! Our office manager Emily, as well as numerous patients, participated in this walk. "On Sunday, May 1, 2011, 42,000 people came to the Boston Common to raise millions for their hungry neighbors during Project Bread’s annual Walk for Hunger. Organizers were heartened that the Walkers and their sponsors raised $3.6 million to provide food for 448 emergency food programs in 130 Massachusetts cities and towns. These funds will provide a hot meal or a bag of groceries for hungry families next winter." The need is still great. Visit to learn more about how you can help.