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Non Medical Approaches to Infertility

From the time you’re a little girl, you’ve dreamed of being a mommy. You’ve always loved the smell and feel of babies, and you’ve waited for the day that you could bring your own little bundle of joy home…but that day hasn’t yet arrived.

Fertility is normal. Infertility suggests something is interfering with your body's natural processes. Consider a natural solution. Infertility, the inability to conceive a child, often hits you right between the eyes after you've professed your readiness to become a mother and although you've tried, nothing has happened. You believe you've tried everything...but have you?

Many women who have been unable to get pregnant have turned to non-medical, alternative approaches to infertility, and often they meet with success.

For example, have you tried:
  • Dietary changes? Avoid heavy metals like lead, mercury and cadmium that can affect hormone and sperm production. A simple test can determine the heavy metal content in your body and simple dietary changes and/or supplements can free you from them. Excessive alcohol and caffeine also can reduce fertility in women.

  • Stress Reduction/Stress Relaxation Techniques? We live fast-paced lives. Some couples have found meditation, yoga and biofeedback to be helpful in eliminating stress that can prevent pregnancy.

  • Chiropractic? Several recent studies have pointed to a possible link between spinal adjustments and increased fertility in some women. Seems that spinal nerve interference, particularly in the lumbar spine, may affect a woman’s ability to conceive. Once the interference is removed, women may have an increased ability to conceive.
If you have issues with fertility, please feel free to mention it on your next visit.


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