I recently read a very interesting article in the New York Times outlining a study proving that sitting for long periods of time is bad for your health, not just for your posture.
Even if you are a regular at the gym, sitting for long periods of time can increase the risk of obesity and the numerous other health related problems that comes with it (high blood pressure, heart disease, diabetes ect…).
In a study referenced in the article a group of men who made healthy choices like taking the stairs, and walking to work were asked to reduce their activity level for 2 weeks. The study found “By the end of the two weeks, all of them had became worse at metabolizing sugars and fats. Their distribution of body fat had also altered — they had become fatter around the middle. Such changes are among the first steps on the road to diabetes.” Maintaining a healthy weight can be a constant battle, it’s amazing how much a little change to your daily routine can affect you body!
Some Suggestions:
Do you commute? Don’t take the first seat available on the T, try standing.
If possible, get off the train a stop before yours and walk to your destination from there.
Set a timer every hour: make sure to get up and stretch, take a walk around the office, or just stand while you work.
Take a walk on your lunch break, enjoy all the sites the Boston has to offer.
Skip the elevator and take the stairs.
Fidget, engage your muscles.
Check your posture, are you sitting up straight? Maintaining good posture uses the muscles along your spine helping to keep your muscles active while you sit.
Skip the couch, and sit on an exercise ball while you watch TV.
Check the article out for yourself:
Are you still sitting??
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