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Showing posts from 2012

Chiropractic and the Aging Process

Lots of research documents the benefits of chiropractic care, not only for back and neck pain, but as a complementary health care option to maintain proper functioning of all your body parts. And while regular chiropractic care can enhance everyone’s lifestyle, consider how chiropractic care improves the overall quality of life for those enjoying their “Golden Years.” A September 2004 document titled Chiropractic and Geriatrics: Care for the Aging, submitted by the American Chiropractic Association (ACA) to the White House Conference on Aging, provides a number of significant reasons why the senior population should integrate chiropractic care as a component of their health care. The report concludes that: “In a rapidly aging society, doctors of chiropractic, (along with other health professionals) are well suited to provide optimal health care to this important segment of our society and assist them in maintaining active, quality-based lifestyles.” ( Click here ...

The Lipase Factor

There’s no magic bullet to good health- but research is showing that there’s something that’s pretty close. And it’s something you’ve probably never heard of: an enzyme in the body called lipoprotein lipase. Put simply, an enzyme is a naturally occurring chemical in the body that either speeds up or slows down something. Mark Hamilton, a microbiologist out of the University of Missouri, has done a lot of research on what is called the “physiology of inactivity.” In other words, what is the science behind sitting? And what scientists have found is that lipase grabs fat and cholesterol from the blood, and then turns the fat into energy, while at the same time taking bad cholesterol and transforming it into good cholesterol. So what’s the problem? It’s simple: sitting basically shuts down this response. When we sit, the body stops producing lipase. The implication being that if you sit, a crucial part of your body’s metabolism slows down. And that leads to the crisis t...

Do You Break the Rules?

Turns out, the quality of our health is the result of a set of very simple rules. Play by the rules and you have the best chance for optimum health. Break the rules and you'll pay for it. 1. You shall breathe. If you stop breathing, breathe in a shallow manner or inhale pollutants, you will pay a price. 2. You shall ingest nutrition. Nutrition is the raw materials needed to fuel, grow and repair your body. 3. You shall expel wastes. What goes in, must come out. If it comes out too quickly you'll suffer. If it takes too long to come out you'll suffer. 4. You shall hydrate. We're mostly water. Drink enough fluids. 5. You shall move. A sedentary lifestyle causes stagnation, poor circulation and hampers the function of the lymphatic system. 6. You shall rest. Your body needs time to renew, refresh and repair. This is done largely at night while enjoying restful sleep. 7. You shall adapt to your environment. Your nervous system orchestrates every cell and tis...

Creating A Better Fit Between You and Your Workspace

Over the years I’ve been a practicing chiropractor, I’ve heard the same story consistently from my patients: they’re trying to fit their bodies to their workspaces — and they’re not succeeding. They’re having to twist to see their monitors; sitting in chairs that don’t fit correctly so they’re leaning forward all day; using laptops because their companies never got around to buying them desktops; and typing on keyboards that sit on their desks rather than on keyboard trays under them. Unfortunately, proper ergonomics in the workplace is typically looked at as an add-on rather than an investment. But in reality, workspace comfort — or lack thereof — has a major effect on productivity and performance. It’s estimated that there are a billion people per week who are uncomfortable at work. Why is that acceptable? If I were to offer you $150,000 a year to run a marathon every day, five days a week, in cowboy boots two sizes too small, you wouldn’t do it. When something doesn...

Top 10 Super Foods

Top 10 Super Foods! If someone were to ask for a list of the top 10 most nutritious foods, no list would be complete without mentioning the following: 1. Apples – Loaded with Vitamin C, fiber and antioxidants, these crunchy snacks might actually help keep the doctor away, by reducing cholesterol and your risk for cancer and heart disease. But remember to eat the skin! 2. Avocados – Did someone say guacamole? Also high in antioxidants, they help to reduce cholesterol and your risk for cancer and diabetes. 3. Beans – Include many varieties (red beans, pintos, lentils, kidney beans, soy) that provide energy, protein and fiber to help regulate blood sugar and reduce your risk of heart disease and cancer. 4. Blueberries – A low-calorie fiber and antioxidant source, blueberries may help improve short-term memory and slow down the effects of aging on the brain (i.e., Alzheimer’s). 5. Broccoli – This highly nutritious vegetable,...

Sitting Disease

What Is Sitting Disease? In the 1980s, Nancy Reagan stood in front of the White House and said, “Just say no.” We declared a war on drugs, and we’re still fighting that battle. Now it’s only a matter of time until the First Lady gets in front of the White House and says “Just say no” to prolonged sitting. Researchers are finding that prolonged, uninterrupted periods of sitting — a/k/a “sitting disease” — contributes to a host of health-related problems and issues: cardiovascular disease, diabetes, obesity, orthopedic problems. There are some correlations now with cancer. Prolonged sitting also affects our metabolic health, with risk factors including a large waistline, high blood pressure, and high triglycerides. After about 25 minutes of sitting, your body goes into a mode like a computer would in sleep mode, and bad things start to happen. Over the last 16 years, I’ve seen a pattern emerging with my new patients, consistent issues that they’re all having: lower ba...

An Apple A Day....

The temperatures are starting to fall and Summer is officially over. There are many benefits to Autumn's arrival though...such as apple picking! Is it true that, “An apple a day keeps the doctor away”? Numerous studies have concluded that it has a ring of truth for many reasons, particularly because of the fiber content in the apple peel (don’t remove it!) and the high antioxidant properties present in apples that fight damage to your body’s cells. Adding an apple to your daily diet is beneficial because: Increasing the amount of fiber in your diet helps lower cholesterol, aids in weight reduction, reduces abnormal sugar (insulin) level surges, reduces your risk of heart disease and colon cancer and makes you feel fuller so you don’t overeat. Eating apples may protect you from getting serious lung disease. In fact, a University of Nottingham, England study, conducted over nine years, found that the lungs of those who ate more apples were three years younger ...

The Bates Method

The Bates method was discovered by ophthalmologist Dr. William Horatio Bates in the late 1800s. It is based on the theory that poor vision comes from incorrect use of the eyes. The method is a natural therapy of correcting the misuse, therefore improving vision and eliminating the need for corrective lenses. How does it work? Techniques are taught so that the individual can relax his or her eyes, learn what is causing the strain and ultimately use the eyes more effectively. There are 5 procedures in the Bates method: 1. Palming : This step is intended to relax the eyeball and optic nerve. Individuals place each palm over the eye with their fingers on their forehead. 2. Sunning : Individuals c lose their eyes and look toward the sun, or a lamp, and slowly move their head side to side. It is important to move slowly and to palm afterward; sunning should last approximately three minutes for relaxation. 3. Swinging : This technique allows for the eye to knowingly perceive mo...

Eat Out and Still Eat Well

Who doesn’t like to dine out? And with so many two working parent families and single working parents, it’s often easier to pile everyone into the car and hit the nearest restaurant for dinner. Not to mention those who live alone find it difficult to cook for only one. Question is – is it really possible to eat well when you eat out? The answer is yes, if you rule out fast food restaurants – major contributors to weight gain and the growing problem of worldwide obesity, especially among children and teenagers. Eating all the wrong foods can also affect your energy levels, strength and mental and emotional well-being. One of the biggest offenders? Sugar-laden carbonated beverages that cause weight gain and interfere with the absorption of calcium. The sugar-free stuff is even worse. So, what can you do to make better choices when you’re eating out? Order healthy salads to start, with the dressing on the side, so you can dip into instead of pour over. Orde...

Family Dinner = Less Drug Use!

Research in the past has shown that the more often a family eats together, the less likely a teenage child is to smoke, drink or use illegal drugs. Plus, they tend to do better academically. A survey published by the National Center on Addiction and Substance Abuse at Columbia University has revealed regular family dinners produce benefits that stretch beyond those obtained at the dinner table. A University of Minnesota study even found that families who eat together are less likely to have children who suffer from eating disorders. But with dance lessons, practice, homework and the demands of a career and a long commute, sitting down together for an evening meal can be a challenge. Here are some tips: Pick a Meal It doesn't have to be dinner. Turns out the positive effects are not limited to the evening meal. Snack Strategically If your child is hungry at 5 p.m. but dinner is scheduled for 7 p.m., offer a protein snack to tide him or her over. Plan Menus De...

Back to School Backpack Safety Tips!

Most school-aged children tote backpacks as the preferred means to transport their books and supplies. Chiropractors around the country are seeing younger and younger patients complaining of back and shoulder pain. Is there a connection? Backpack Safety International™, an educational program that promotes and delivers guidelines for safe backpack use to administrators, teachers, parents and children, advocates the following four steps to ensure safe backpack use: Choose right - the backpack should fit between the child’s shoulder blades and waist. Pack right - The maximum weight of the loaded backpack should not exceed 10 -15 percent of a child’s body weight, so pack wisely. Lift right - Face the backpack, bend at the knees, lift the backpack with the legs and apply one shoulder strap and then the other. Wear right – use both shoulder straps and make them snug, but not too tight. Use the waist strap, if available. Increased awareness and education on this issue seems to...

Dealing with Difficult People

You know the type. The person who always has to be right. The co-worker who constantly takes your good ideas and claims them as her own. The parent who refuses to allow you to grow up, even though you're in your 40's with a family of your own. The "friend" who is always judging you and who never has a nice word to say - about anyone! Difficult people… we all have at least one in our lives. And if you only have one, consider yourself blessed! So how do you deal with difficult people without stooping to their level? How do you prevent them from stressing you out to the point where you become seriously ill? How do you permanently un-install all those buttons that the "button-pusher" installed? First, understand that you needn't take the words/actions of the difficult person personally. They have nothing to do with you and everything to do with them. Most of the time, difficult people are insecure, lonely and unhappy people who try to ...

Burning Calories the Easy Way!

You may know a few people who are engaged in a sedentary lifestyle who never work out, yet seem able to maintain an ideal weight. How do they do it? Turns out many extra calories can be burned by participating in a variety of 'strenuous' activities that require little, if any, physical exercise, such as some of these creative ways: Activity                                                                   Calories Burned One hour of jogging                                             ...

No insurance? No problem!

Many of our patients feel discouraged when they find out that their insurance does not cover chiropractic or that they only cover a limited number of visits. However, there are other options. We now have a contract with a program called Chirohealth USA. It's all very simple: You become a member of Chirohealth by paying a $39 yearly membership fee. We have applications in the office and can sign you up right away. We are then able to legally offer you discounts that we would not normally be able to offer our patients. Our usual exam fee is $140, as a Chirohealth member you would only pay $95. Instead of our regular adjustment fee of $65, you would just pay $56 a visit.  You also get 10% off all in office products. You can visit their website or ask Emily for more info at your next visit:

Same old routine? Change it!

We are creatures of… habit. If we want to grow we must… change. They say the definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again, expecting a different result. If you keep on doing what you’re doing, you’ll just keep getting what you’re getting! So try changing it up a bit every once in awhile. You can start small with some of these suggestions:  • Take a different route to work – Is your car on autopilot every morning when you leave for work? Try taking a different route and maybe you’ll see something you’ve never seen before! • Try using your non-dominant hand – If you’re right-handed, try to eat, write, open a door or jar, dust or vacuum with your left hand. You might actually find it entertaining! • Re-arrange your furniture – Have you lived in the same house for umpteen years and the furniture has never been moved at all, in any room? Start with one room and move the furniture around – you’ll discover that may just get a fresh perspective and hide a...

Relaxing Bedtime Rituals

Ask some parents about the worst time of day with their children, and they will answer with a resounding “Bedtime!” How can you make bedtime less of a chore and more relaxing for you and your child? Well maybe you should try some soothing bedtime rituals that slowly relax your child so that they can fall asleep on their own. Children feel secure when they have regular routines; they know what to expect and family rituals that you establish in your home give your child a sense of belonging. Here are some ideas for developing a regular relaxing bedtime routine: • Establish a regular time to begin your nightly bedtime routine and be consistent; consistency helps everyone know what to expect. • Begin with a warm bath to initiate the relaxation process. After the bath, perform the tooth brushing and hygiene routine and have your child use the bathroom for the last time. • After your child is dressed for bed, have him or her lie down for a gentle massage. During this time, you can sing to...

To Forgive is Divine..Healthy Too!

Turns out that holding onto resentment and anger hurts you more than the other person! When you carry around anger and resentments because of past hurts, it’s like you’re carrying a backpack filled with heavy rocks. The only person all those resentments hurt is you – because you’re the one they’re weighing down. Studies have confirmed that there is a link between reliving hurtful memories and stress – measured by heart rate, EMG and blood pressure. So…not forgiving causes stress and stress leads to…illness, nervous system interference, unhappiness, unfulfilled potential, strained relationships, the list goes on and on. The bottom line? Not forgiving negatively affects you and only you, no one else. it really worth it? How to forgive what seems to be unforgivable? Try some of these tips: • Express the resentment – to the person directly if that’s at all possible. If not, write it in a letter that you can tear up or burn. Putting feelings either into words or on paper helps with ...

Tailored for Education

Diamond Chiropractic will donate $10 to Tailored for Education for every new patient who is referred in the months of February and March. Founded in 2011, Tailored for Education strives to increase school enrollment in developing countries by providing children with school uniforms. For millions of children around the globe, education represents the only way out of a life of entrenched poverty. Visit their website to get more info on current projects and how you can help!