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Showing posts from 2010

Shoveling Safety Tips!

Winter is here and it's time to bring out the shovels! Whether you just have to clear a few steps or dig a car out from 3 feet of snow, Here are some tips to help avoid soreness, pain or strain from shoveling: ■Be prepared. Maintain your exercise program year-round. ■Listen to weather forecasts so you can rise early and have time to shovel before work; rushing the job can lead to injury. ■Wear layers of clothing to keep your muscles warm and flexible. ■Do some stretching before you grab the shovel. ■For big jobs use a motorized snow blower. If you shovel by hand, use a lightweight, Ergonomically-designed shovel to reduce back strain. ■When you do shovel, push the snow straight ahead. Don't try to throw it; walk it to the snowbank. Avoid sudden twisting and turning motions. ■Bend your knees, to lift when shoveling. Let the muscles of your legs and arms do the work, not your back. ■Take frequent rest breaks to take the strain off your muscles. A fatigued body asks for injury. ■St...

Time to Make Your New Years Resolution?

As the new year approaches and we're all pressed to make our New Years resolutions, many of us start to think more seriously about our health and well being. Diamond Chiropractic can help get you on the road to wellness. We are offering an amazing special for the New Year. Call before 01/31/11 and mention that you heard about us through our blog or facebook and you will receive your 1st visit completely FREE of charge. (The initial consultation and exam is a $265 value) Read below for a brief summary on True Health and Chiropractic: True Health is when your body works as it was designed and chiropractic will help you to achieve that. Your brain, spinal cord and all of your nerves control and regulate your body. Every cell, tissue, organ and system (even your immune system!) take orders from your nervous system. Thus, true health is how well your nervous system is orchestrating the workings of your body. That’s why vertebral subluxations are so serious! Compromised brain-to-body or ...

Help Boston's Homeless Community This Winter!

Help Diamond Chiropractic Support Boston's Homeless Community This Winter: We will donate $10 to St. Francis House for every new patient who is referred to us by YELP. St. Francis House serves over 800 poor and homeless men and women a day. You can help by supporting Diamond Chiropractic on YELP. You can also donate or volunteer by going to

Results of Fall Promo

Thanks to all of the great patient referrals we received in November, Diamond Chiropractic will be able to donate $80.00 to AFC Mentoring. AFC Mentoring empowers foster and adopted youth to flourish through committed mentoring relationships. You can visit their website at to get more information and to help this great cause.

Antibiotics often unnecessary for kids' ear infections*

The #1 reason that kids get antibiotics, costing the country $2.8 billion a year, is ear infections. A new analysis shows that this is completely unnecessary in most cases. 80 out of 100 children with ear infections are shown to get better on their own in only about three days. Prescribing antibiotics improves that rate slightly, to 92 out of 100. The side effects of antibiotics are another reason to avoid them. 3-10 children will develop a medication related rash and 5-10 more will get diarrhea. Overuse of antibiotics can cause more severe problems, encouraging the growth of hardier, drug-resistant bacteria. Many say that it's not always easy to avoid antibiotics. Alot of day care centers will not allow kids with fevers to come in and doctors are pushed to treat when not always necessary. Richard Rosenfeld, professor and chair of Otolaryngology at Long Island College Hospital in New York, says the best relief for ear infections is a bedtime dose of over the counter ibuprofen. What...

Depressed? Kill All The Lights!

A new study shows a link between light exposure at night and depression. Exposure to dim light at night- about the brightness of a TV- caused hamsters to show signs of depression, according to the study. Autopsies of the animals revealed physical changes to the hippocampus. The hippocampus is a region of the brain linked to mood. Light at night suppresses production of the hormone melatonin, and this could have caused the brain changes. This is just one more reason to shut the blinds tight at bedtime.

Health Risks Associated With Social Networking

Follow the link below to an article found on CNN: The article discusses a study by the Case Western Reserve School of Medicine which links poor health behaviors -- including smoking, drinking and sexual activity -- to hypertexting and hypernetworking. Hypertexting is defined as sending more than 120 messages per day while hypernetworking is defined as spending more than 3 hours per day on social networking sites such as Facebook. Here are some statistics that were found in the study: According to the study, teens who are hypertexters are: *2x more likely to have tried alcohol *40% more likely to have tried cigarettes *55% more likely to have been in a physical fight **90% more likely to report four or more sexual partners According to the research, teens who are hypernetworkers are: *60% more likely to report four or more sexual partners *79% more likely to have tried alcohol *84% more likely to have ...

Backpack Safety Tips

Every year it seems kids backpacks get heavier and heavier. And every year we see children in our practice with spinal issues due to heavy or improperly worn backpacks. Many of these problems can be prevented by checking fit and size for your child. We also suggest having spines checked periodically by a chiropractor. The Massachusetts Chiropractic Society is offering some tips and guidance for backpack safety. *Limit the backpack's weight to no more than 5-10% of the child's body weight. A heavier backpack will cause the child to bend forward in an attempt to support the weight on his or her back. For example a 50lb child should not carry more than 5lbs. *The backpack should never hang more than 4 inches below the waistline. A backpack that hangs too low increases the weight on the shoulders, causing your child to lean forward when walking. *A backpack with individualized compartments helps in positioning the contents most effectively. Make sure that pointy or bulky objects a...

Feel Like A Kid!

After seeing a man skip across the street early this morning, we thought it would be interesting to check out the benefits of skipping... and apparently there are quite a few! Skipping- the hippity hoppity gate that came naturally to us as children is great for the body, mind and spirit! What are the physical benefits? Skipping is great exercise. It burns twice as many calories as walking. It has less impact on your joints than running and is joy based, unlike running, which generates from our fight or flight reflex. It's a playful way to add variety and fun to your workouts. What are the mental benefits? Skipping is an instant mood lifter. The next time you are feeling down, try skipping just ten steps. Keep in mind that the times you feel like skipping the least are likely the times that you need it the most. It is virtually impossible to skip without smiling. Skipping also helps you to be true to yourself. It is surprisingly challenging for most adults to do. In order to do so, ...

Quick and Easy Breakfast Ideas for Back to School

*In this month's Zone Living ezine, Dave Schreck has talked about ZoneFast recipes, and we've written about studies that prove that eating breakfast is important. Here are some recipes for quick Zone Breakfasts. A child will typically eat two-block meals which we have listed below. Simply double the recipes for Mom/Dad. Breakfast Hash 2 ounces cooked meat (roast beef, ham, etc) 3/4 cup chopped tomato Chopped onion, to taste Chopped green pepper, to taste Chopped mushrooms, to taste Salt and pepper, to taste Worcestshire sauce, to taste 2 teaspoons olive oil 3/4 cup cut grapes 1.In a non-stick pain, saute onion, green pepper and mushrooms in the oil until tender. 2. Add cooked meat, sauteed vegetables, spices and worcestshire sauce to saute pan. 3. Cook, stirring until heated through. 4 Serve with fruit on the side. Cottage Cheese with Raspberry Sauce 1/2 cup low fat cottage cheese 1/2 cup diced peaches 1/2 cup grapes 1/2 cup raspberries 2 macademia nuts, chopped 1. Mount cottag...

Sitting Could Be The New Smoking!

Anybody who sits all day at work knows how painful it can become. This is why we were not that surprised to see a new article on ABC news which explains the dangers of sitting: "Standing Question: Could Sitting Too Long At Work Be Dangerous?" By Deborah Roberts and Jessica Hopper According to this article, those who stand at work say that it helps them to stay focused, avoid feeling they need a nap in the afternoon and even helps them shed pounds. Famous figures such as Donald Rumsfeld and novelist Philip Roth have already been doing it for years and now doctors are starting to say the same. Marc Hamilton, a physiologist at the Pennington Biomedical Research Center in Louisiana, has shown that an enzyme that burns fat was turned off when lab mice were prevented from standing up. Hamilton states, "This enzyme is virtually shut off within hours of not standing, completely independent of diet, comletely independent of weight changes. I think sitting is very dangerous."...

"Life Changes Can Put A Smile On Your Face"

We came across an interesting article, "Life changes can put a smile on your face" written by Elizabeth Weise. Researchers in Germany, Holland and Australia have found that life changes can have a lot to do with life happiness. Since the 1980's psychologists have subscribed to the set-point theory of happiness, which says that happiness is 40%-50% genetic and that once you're an adult, there's not much you can do about how happy you are. A 26 year study of Germans, which has more than 60,000 people enrolled, suggests otherwise. Ongoing research shows that: *Women whose partners give high priority to family goals are significantly happier than women whose partners give family matters low priority. *Emphasizing success and material items is actually harmful to life satisfaction. *Working too little is worse than working too much (presumably because of lack of money), but not having work is worst of all. *For men, being underweight is associated with lower life satis...

Office Ergonomics

Do you ever feel chained to your desk? If so, you aren't alone. For many office workers, spending all day behind a desk can have a detrimental effect on physical and mental health. That's why Dr. Diamond is concerned about ergonomics in the workplace. You may be wondering what this has to do with chiropractic. Improper ergonomics can spark what is known as vertebral subluxations. This common condition occurs when spinal movement is restricted or spinal bones become misaligned. Dr. Diamond corrects vertebral subluxations with safe and gentle maneuvers called chiropractic adjustments. As a prevention-oriented provider of health care, Dr. Diamond educates patients on strategies for avoiding vertebral subluxations, including proper posture and ergonomics. Sitting Down On the Job: How many hours did you spend sitting in your office chair today? Were you posture perfect or a serious slouch? Was your low back (lumbar area) properly supported at all times? And what about the rest of yo...

How to Meditate

Pick a Focus Word , Sound or short phrase such as 'one' or 'hmmm' Sit Quietly in a comfortable position Close your eyes Relax your muscles , progressing from your feet to your calves, thigh, abdomen, shoulders, head and neck. Breathe slowly and naturally , and as you do, say your focus word, sound or phrase silently to yourself, as you exhale. Don't worry about how well you're doing. When other thoughts come to mind, simply say to yourself 'oh well' and gently return to your repetition. Continue for 10-20 minutes. Do not stand immediately . Continue sitting quietly for a minute or so, allowing other thoughts to return. Then open your eyes and sit for another minute before rising. Practice the technique once or twice daily. Good times to do so are before breakfast and before dinner.

Home for Little Wanderers Update

Thanks to all of the great referrals through YELP in the July and August, Diamond Chiropractic was able to donate $174 to The Home for Llttle Wanderers. Please Check out our YELP page for the latest promotion involving Children's Hospital.

3 Health Tips That Work (by Kate Powers)

1. CARDIOVASCULAR ACTIVITY The Ideal : Do 30 minutes most days of the week. The surgeon general advises this near-daily regimen will help lower LDL (bad) cholesterol, raise HDL (good) cholesterol, and improve cardio health, reducing the risk for diabetes and heart disease. The next best thing : Take three 10-minute walks each day. Short bursts have real health benefits, says Cris Slentz, Ph.D., a senior research scientist at Duke University Medical Center, in Durham, North Carolina. Assuming the intensity is identical to that of a 30-minute workout, you'll burn the same number of calories and get the heart-health benefits. A few ideas: *Devote 10 minutes of your lunch hour to a brisk walk. *Climb a few flights of stairs several times a day instead of using the elevator. *Offer to take a friend's (energetic) dog for a walk. 2.FRESH FRUITS AND VEGETABLES The ideal : Have 5-9 servings of fresh fruits and vegetables daily. Eat such a bounty and you'll get a full ...

Why Pregnant Women Need Chiropractic Care

Pregnancy is frequently marked by dramatic changes in a mother-to-be's posture and spinal function. Dr. Diamond cares for expectant mothers with a unique approach, aimed at keeping them in optimal wellness, so that they may be well-rested and full of energy when their bundle of joy arrives. Read on to learn just a few of the reasons why pregnant women need chiropractic care: *Shorter Labors- According to a study presented at the World Chiropractic Congress, first time mothers who receive chiropractic care average 24% shorter labor times than women who are not under care. Chiropractic patients who have had previous children enjoy 39% shorter labors compared with control subjects. *Chiropractic May Lessen Labor Pain- Women who experience back pain throughout pregnancy often suffer back pain through delivery. Expectant mothers who receive chiropractic care are less likelky to battle backache during delivery. (J Manipulative Physiol Ther 1991;14;116-8) *Pregnancy & Back Pain- Backa...

How to Live to 100

People born 100 years ago would typically live to the ripe old age of 50 years, while children born this year are expected to live longer than 80 years. A study of centurions reveals some general guidelines that you can use to help extend your own life, regardless of your current age 1. Be born a female. Hard to do much about this, but females have been outliving males for centuries. 2. Stay married. Married people live longer than single people - 10 years longer for men, 4 years for women. 3. Eat less. Research shows that life expectancy can be extended by eating less. 4. Pass up refined sugar. Sugar can speed the aging process. 5. Use little salt. Getting used to salt-free tastes will take some time. 6. Reduce protein intake. Excess protein stresses the body and reduces your ability to fight disease. 7. Regular exercise. No need for a gym membership. Brisk walking improves circulation, metabolism and emotional well-being. 8. Shun alcohol and tobacco. There are no health benefits to ...

*Pain-Free Percolation*

I recently read an interesting article in Mens Health magazine. If you are anything like me then you are not quite ready to give up on your morning joe regardless of the heartburn that it may cause. Luckily a new study from Germany revealed that dark-roasted coffee stirs up less stomach acid than the lighter brews. Researches believe that these acid-blocking properties in the lighter brews may come from N-methylpyridinium, a compound in coffee that increases with roasting. If you are suffering from heartburn but not ready to cut coffee out of your diet than consider trying a French or Italian roast which are both rich in N-methylpyridinium.

Lighten Up! Laughter is the best medicine

Laughter is a powerful antidote to stress, pain and conflict. Have you ever noticed how easily children find joy and laughter in the simple things in life? We would all be better off if we adopted this same attitude. There are many benefits of laughter including:* *Boosts Immunity *Lowers Stress Hormones *Decreases Pain *Relaxes your muscles *Prevents Heart Disease *Eases anxiety and fear *Strengthens Relationships *Helps Defuse Conflict How can you bring more humor and laughter into your life? Here are some ways to start: *Laugh at yourself - Share your embarrassing moments and don't take yourself too seriously *Attempt to laugh at situations rather than bemoan them - Look for the humor in a bad situation- This will improve your mood as well as the mood of those around you. *Surround yourself with reminders to lighten up - Put up a funny poster in your office, keep photos of family and friends around. *Keep things in perspective - Keep i...

Extended Promotion

Due to the positive response we received from July's promotion we have decided to extend it through the month of August as well. " The Home for Little Wanderers is a nationally renowned, private, non-profit child and family service agency. It has been part of the Massachusetts landscape for over 200 years, making it the oldest agency of its kind in the nation and one of the largest in New England. Originally founded as a orphanage in 1799 (see history for more details), The Home today plays a leadership role in delivering services to thousands of children and families each year through a system of residential, community-based and prevention programs, direct care services, and advocacy. " You can help support this organization as well as Diamond Chiropractic by logging on to Yelp and writing a review for us. You can also find more info on The Home for Little Wanderers by visiting

Home for Little Wanderers

Diamond Chiropractic has a very exciting promotion going on for the month of July through YELP. All of the fees that are collected from our YELP referrals will be donated to The Home for Little Wanderers in Boston. " The Home for Little Wanderers is a nationally renowned, private, non-profit child and family service agency. It has been part of the Massachusetts landscape for over 200 years, making it the oldest agency of its kind in the nation and one of the largest in New England. Originally founded as a orphanage in 1799 (see history for more details), The Home today plays a leadership role in delivering services to thousands of children and families each year through a system of residential, community-based and prevention programs, direct care services, and advocacy. " You can help support this organization as well as Diamond Chiropractic by logging on to Yelp and writing a review for us. You can also find more info on The Home for Little Wanderers by visiting www.thehome....

June Update

Thanks to all of our great referrals Diamond Chiropractic was able to donate $100 to the 2010 Boston Aids Walk which was held Sunday June 6th! As for this month, please help us in supporting one of our current patients by participating in Bikes not Bombs bike-a-thon this year. The bike-a-thon will be held in Jamaica Plain this Sunday June 20th and you can visit for more information on how to donate or volunteer for their cause. They also have a full service bike shop that you can visit anytime if you're unable to make the upcoming event. Refer a friend, family member, co-worker by giving them a health pass for a complimentary initial visit. If your not currently a patient, just mention our blog and we will honor the health pass deal! Together we can make Boston a healthier and happier place!

Adjustments for Animals

Check out this great article that was featured on the Front Page of The Boston Globe last week. This shows that chiropractic care is becoming much more acceptable as a form of treatment, not just for humans but for animals as well! Chiropractic care helps to promote the body's natural healing powers by focusing on the cause of physical discomfort rather than symptoms. A wide range of animals from cats and dogs to zoo animals have shown significant improvement in their health after receiving chiropractic care. ">

Spring Promotion!!!

Help Support Boston's 25th AIDS Walk while helping your friends and family as well! For every patient that is referred in May, Diamond Chiropractic will donate $10 to AAC's AIDS WALK! You can contact the office to get a HealthPass granting the bearer a complimentary initial exam! The AAC is New England's largest and oldest AIDS service organization and they will be holding their walk on Sunday June 6th. We all have someone in our lives who has been suffering silently from Back, Neck and other pains so don't hesitate to call us today! Together we can make a difference!

April Update

Thanks to all of our great referrals Diamond Chiropractic will be donating $90 to the Boston Celtics Shamrock Fund. As for this month, April 7th is World Health Day. This years focus is on health and urbanization. Diamond Chiropractic has been working hard to get Boston healthy since 1996, we would like your help to celebrate World Health Day this year! Refer a friend, family member, co-worker by giving them a health pass for a complimentary initial visit. If your not currently a patient, just mention our blog and we will honor the health pass deal! Together we can make Boston a healthier and happier place!

Dogs and Chiropractic

Here’s something to think about : There are a multitude of health care services/treatments/procedures that have been alerted and transferred to the field of veterinary medicine, but for some reason many people laugh off the idea chiropractic care for dogs. It’s so easy to think about the daily stresses that our bodies encounter that result in discomfort, but what about our pets? They suffer from many of the same ailments as we do, including back/neck/joint pain, arthritis, muscle spasms and so on. It’s terrible to see our pets uncomfortable and chiropractic care offers an alternative to drugs and painful surgery that can inhibit their quality of life. Chiropractic care for pets is gaining popularity, and there is even training for both veterinarians and chiropractors available through the American Veterinary Chiropractic Association. Just like kids puppies can benefit from chiropractic care, and regular adjustments not only gets them used to being adjusted but it can help prevent fu...

Fun fact

We have the same number of bones in our neck as a giraffe!

Get to know your spine

There are three main purposes of the spinal column 1. To support the head 2. To protect the spinal cord 3. Attachment site for the muscles concerned with body movement There are 5 sections of the spinal column 1. Cervical (Neck) consisting of 7 vertebrae 2. Thoracic (upper back) consisting of 12 vertebrae 3. Lumbar (low back) consisting of 5 vertebrae 4. Sacral (pelvic) consisting of 5 fused vertebrae 5. Coccygeal (tail bone) consisting of 4 fused vertebrae The effects of nervous system dysfunction like headaches, fatigue, colds, heartburn, pain throughout the body, etc… are caused by misalignments of your vertebra. Regular chiropractic adjustments help to prevent the many common and serious effects of nervous system dysfunction.

Feeling green

For every new patient referral in the month of March I will donate $10 to the Boston Celtics Shamrock Foundation. Call 617-262-2225 to schedule! Make sure to ask for a healthpass from your friends and family members so they receive a complimentary initial visit! The Shamrock foundation is an amazing support mechanism for kids in need through education, health care, shelter, and much so more.

Are you sitting?

I recently read a very interesting article in the New York Times outlining a study proving that sitting for long periods of time is bad for your health, not just for your posture. Even if you are a regular at the gym, sitting for long periods of time can increase the risk of obesity and the numerous other health related problems that comes with it (high blood pressure, heart disease, diabetes ect…). In a study referenced in the article a group of men who made healthy choices like taking the stairs, and walking to work were asked to reduce their activity level for 2 weeks. The study found “By the end of the two weeks, all of them had became worse at metabolizing sugars and fats. Their distribution of body fat had also altered — they had become fatter around the middle. Such changes are among the first steps on the road to diabetes.” Maintaining a healthy weight can be a constant battle, it’s amazing how much a little change to your daily routine can affect you body! Some Suggest...