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Showing posts from 2011

How to Catch a Cold

Expecting a cold? Here's what you can do to help get one: *Eat a poor diet. Make sure your body lacks the vitamins and minerals it needs. Eat lots of processed foods. *Avoid rest. Stay up too late and do too much. *Stop exercising. Your lymph system depends on exercise to circulate germ-fighting fluids, so sit around and watch tv. *Think negative thoughts. Pay attention to news reports about outbreaks of the flu and to advertising for cold medications. *Invite stress. Expose yourself to temperature and humidity changes, along with worry. *Become dehydrated. Avoid drinking enough water. *Forget your appointments. Shun periodic chiropractic checkups that help you stay well.

Not Disposable

We have evolved into a disposable society. We're lucky if our television lasts 10 years. Same with cars. Computers? two or three years, tops! We grumble every time we need an upgrade, but the truth is, few of us would prefer Windows 3.1 to our current operating system! Unlike mechanical devices, some say our bodies are designed to last 120 years.. or possibly even longer. To achieve this feat, our bodies are designed to survive. In fact, many everyday symptoms are merely our body's innate survival strategies at work, keeping us alive and as healthy as possible without any conscious input from us. Runny nose? Survival strategy. Extra mucus production enhances immune system function, helping to fend off cold and flu bugs. Butterflies in your stomach? Survival strategy. Warns you of an imagined impending physical or emotional threat. Bleeding from a cut? Survival strategy. Blood contact with the air invokes the body's clotting response. Gas? Survival strategy. Remove toxic...

Results of Loon Promotion

Diamond Chiropractic was able to donate $90 to The Loon Preservation Committee due to the patient referrals received in the month of September. We would like to thank you for your referrals and for helping the Loon. You can find more info on how you can continue to help this beautiful creature at Our next promotion which will be continuing through the months of October and November will be supporting P2V. P2V is a nonprofit organization that matches veterans and shelter animals. Stay tuned for more info.

A Tangerine A Day...

... may keep the doctor away. A recent Japanese study found that people who ate citrus fruit nearly every day had a lower risk of cardiovascular disease than those who almost never ate any. According to the study, the high antioxidant levels in citrus may block the formation of free radicals and repair existing damage. Try adding orange, tangerine or grapefruit sections in your salads. Another yummy way to add some citrus to your diet is to substitute diced citrus for tomatoes in salsa to use as a quick sauce for grilled fish.

Joint Health

As seen in Men's Health Magazine Physical Activity Good for Joint Pain, Docs Say By Blaine Mcevoy "Regular Physical activity c an help curtail joint pain from osteoarthritis, experts say. The new recommendation overturns the traditional belief that damaged joints need rest. Exercising as little as 15 minutes three times a week can help reduce inflammation, increase lubrication to cartilage, and strengthen muscles that support joints and absorb shock. 'For a knee ache, a less weight-bearing exercise like cycling increases stability and muscle strength,' says rheumatologist John M. Davis. 'For low back troubles, stabilize the spine first with exercises that strengthen the abdominals and obliques.'

Why We Love Comfort Food

As a child, do you remember the foods your mother served you when you were sick? Or on holidays or your birthday? You came to associate warm and comforting feelings to these foods because they made you feel good. Maybe it was ice cream, macaroni and cheese, homemade chicken or pea soup, an apple pie or a hearty stew. You attached memories and emotional feelings to these foods because they made you feel better. They still do. So…why why do we stay attached to these foods? Basically it’s because these foods bring us back in our minds to simpler times, times when we were loved and cared for, times when responsibilities were non-existent and living was relatively easy. What’s going on in your life today? Given the times, you are probably under a great deal of stress – emotional, physical and financial – the kind of stress that brings you back to comfort foods because you want to feel better. So what’s the problem with that? Well…most comfort foods contain rich amounts of fats, sugars, and ...

Older People Make the Most of Life

As seen in USA Today By Brandon Smith and Victoria Rodriguez "Think you are happy now? Just wait. The best emotional times come later in life, according to the Gallup-Healthways well-being index. The oldest group outscored the other three age groups in emotions, which was one of six categories measured in a sweeping study on well-being. Out of a possible score of 100, the 65-and-older age group scored 83. Those 45-64 had the lowest score, 76. Credit experience, says Kay McCurdy, 72, of Springfield, VA. "You shift your idea of what a good life is into what you can have as a good life," McCurdy says. "You get realistic." Elisabeth Burnett, 73, a neighbor of McCurdy's at the Greenspring retirement home in the Washington metro area, says having a strong emotional life takes a hefty dose of true grit. Burnett has a daughter going through divorce and has had to bury another grown child, yet she says she looks ahead with hope and joy. "Today is the gift,...

Obesity Starts in the Womb

Most patients of Dr. Diamond are well aware of the importance of taking an Omega 3 supplement. We came across an article 'Obesity starts in the womb' by Dr. Barry Sears which highlights another reason why women should be taking Omega 3. A new study from Harvard Medical School suggests that childhood obesity begins in the mother's womb. It's been well known from animal experiments that omega-6 fatty acids make the offspring fat and omega-3 fatty acids make the offspring thin. This new study has confirmed that the same thing is happening in humans. The increase in omega-6 fatty acids over the years could be one of the reasons we've seen such an increase in childhood obesity. What can you do? If you are thinking of having a child, consider cutting back on omega-6 fatty acids and start eating more omega-3 fatty acids. If you already have children whose gene expression has been altered by fetal programming you can minimize the damage by treating food as a drug to manage ...

How to Overcome Modern Challenges to Posture

We recently came across a great article in the Boston Globe, "The Proper Balance". Many studies are being done to show just how harmful it can be to sit for long periods of time.The majority of our patients are aware of the dangers of sitting but aren't sure what they can do. It's tough to maintain good posture considering today's technology-driven and deskbound lifestyle. This article offers some good tips on how you can practice good posture even if you are unable to escape sitting at a desk for 8 hours every day. DON'T: Sit with head forward (like a turtle), back rounded, and elbows flexed past 90 degrees. Pick up something without bending your knees Cradle the phone with your neck when you're multitasking. Use the speaker mode or a headset device. Wear high heels if you're going to be walking or standing for more than a few minutes. You can throw off your posture by forcing the lower part of your body forward and the upper part backward to maintai...

Healthiest Nut for Your Heart

Posted by Sarah Toland in Men's Journal: The walnut is the best nut for heart health, says new research from the University of Scranton, which found that walnuts contain more and higher-quality antioxidants than any other nut. In fact, the average guy would get more antioxidants in one ounce of walnuts than from what he eats in fruits and vegetables, says study author Joe Vinson. "Everyone should eat one to two handfuls of nuts a day for heart health," he says, adding that all nuts have been shown to lower blood lipid levels and improve risk factors for heart disease. "Don't worry about high calories: Nuts don't cause weight gain."

Pain PR Campaign Announced

The public relations firm of Sensori & Partners has been named by Pain, Inc. to lead a campaign to upgrade the public perceptions of pain. 'Pain has a bad rap', observed a spokesperson. 'We plan to refurbish its image so it can assume its proper place in the lives of the public.' Pain, which used to be seen as a warning sign of some other issue, is today perceived as the problem itself. 'We'll use strategies we used to stop the effort to lower the piercing sound made by smoke detectors,' says the spokesperson. 'People need to know that pain, like the smoke detector alert, is rarely the problem. It's a warning sign something needs attention." 'Bring it on!' says a spokesperson for the drug-lobbying group. 'Most people prefer the easy way and popping a pill is convenient. Drug users can mask the pain and carry on with their life. We don't expect significant changes.' (Naturally, this is a parody. But it makes a great point....

One Moment Meditation

Many of us get so caught up with the stresses of our daily lives that we forget to take a moment to just breathe. Martin Borosen, author of One Moment Meditation:Stillness for People on the Go, provides an easy way to do this anywhere & anytime. It begins with an exercise that takes just one minute per day. As you progress, it will take less and less time. You will then have the power to transform just one moment into an opportunity to reduce stress, refresh your mind, and open yourself to new possibilities. Start with the Basic Minute: The Basic Minute "One-Moment Meditation: Stillness for People on the Go begins with an exercise called The Basic Minute. With the Basic Minute, you can learn to experience a quiet mind – free of thinking and doing – in just a minute. Although the purpose of One-Moment Meditation is for you to experience deep peace in just a moment, we start with a minute because a moment goes by so quickly that you’d have to be a master to notice ...

May Promo: Boston's Walk for AIDS

Our last promotion supporting Project Bread was a great success thanks to our wonderful patients. This month we are supporting another wonderful cause- Boston's 2011 Walk for AIDS which is held on Sunday June 5th. Every year since 1986 Boston has gathered on the first Sunday in June for AIDS Walk Boston, an annual grassroots community event benefiting AIDS Action Committee of Massachusetts. AIDS Action Committee of Massachusetts is New England’s largest and oldest AIDS service organization. For twenty-five years, thousands of dedicated participants have raised millions of dollars for AIDS Action’s innovative programs and services that are essential to maintaining the health of individuals living with the disease and preventing the spread of the epidemic. Just as important, the Walk also raises our awareness of the impact HIV/AIDS has on individuals, families and the community at-large, reminding us all that we must work together to stop the spread of HIV. How can you help? Diamond ...

March/April Project Bread Promo

THANK YOU to all of our wonderful patients and your referrals! Because of you, Diamond Chiropractic was able to donate $160 to Project Bread's Walk for Hunger! Our office manager Emily, as well as numerous patients, participated in this walk. "On Sunday, May 1, 2011, 42,000 people came to the Boston Common to raise millions for their hungry neighbors during Project Bread’s annual Walk for Hunger. Organizers were heartened that the Walkers and their sponsors raised $3.6 million to provide food for 448 emergency food programs in 130 Massachusetts cities and towns. These funds will provide a hot meal or a bag of groceries for hungry families next winter." The need is still great. Visit to learn more about how you can help.

World's Oldest Man Shares His Secret to a Long Life

Walter Breuning of Great Falls, Montana was well known as the world's oldest man at 114yrs until he passed away on Thursday 04/14/11. Here is the simple philosophy that Mr. Breuning lived by and credits for his longevity: * Embrace Change, even when the change slaps you in the face. ("Every change is good.") * Eat two meals a day ("That's all you need.") * Work as long as you can ("That money's going to come in handy.") * Help others ("The more you do for others, the better shape you're in.") You can find the full article on Walter Breuning at:

Spring Cleaning: Good for Your Health

The days are getting longer, the cabin fever is lifting and it's time to get ready for the warmer weather ahead. Now you can see the hamster-sized dust bunnies and spider webs, it must be spring cleaning time. Before you go hog wild with the disinfectant and the scrubbing, here are some tips that can safeguard or even improve your health in the process: *Clean or replace your heating and air conditioning filters to reduce airborne allergens. Do the same with your vacuum cleaner. *Use environmentally safe cleaning materials. Wear gloves to reduce the absorption of chemicals through your skin. *Look for damp areas where mold or mildew can form, especially in the bathroom or kitchen. Mold is a commonly overlooked allergen that affects many. *Inspect bicycles and outdoor play equipment for needed repairs. Look for loose bolts, rust and signs of impending danger. *Have your chimney cleaned. If you have a wood-burning fireplace, this is a great time to have it checked for creosote buildu...

Life Tone

The Bass And Treble Of It If you've ever tried to convince a friend or loved one to try chiropractic care, you know how difficult it can be to explain how and why it works. Perhaps this will help. While most people today think of chiropractic as a treatment for neck and back bain, that was not always the case. In fact, the first chiropractic patient back in 1895 had a hearing disorder. The second, a heart condition. In fact, these early cases prompted some to crow that chiropractic could cure anything. Oops! But from the beginning, chiropractic was based on the concept of tone . "Life is the expression of tone," observed D.D. Palmer, the pioneer of chiropractic. Think of health, with a normal degree of nerve tension and everything functioning as it should, as the middle C on a piano. If there is too little tone and too little tension (the keys to the left of middle C), then organs, tissues and systems are over-active. Such as diarrhea, for example. The objective of chiro...

Diets Don't Work!

"What do you think of Atkins? Or South Beach?" It's a question I get all the time. But virtually every diet has a serious flaw. It's the diet part. Name the diet, and if someone follows it, they'll usually lose some weight. When they reach their goal, they often return to their original eating and exercise habits. Soon, they're back to where they began. They feel discouraged and disillusioned. This is so common, it even has a name: the Yo-Yo diet. I mention this because many people see their chiropractic care as a short-term 'diet' of sorts. They come in religiously while they're hurting but stop when they're feeling better. Later, they experience a relapse. Lasting spinal changes are made with continued care after symptoms subside. In fact, many cases require some type of ongoing supportive care. So rather than a brief episode, getting and keeping our nervous systems interference- free is a lifestyle choice. That's why we have more and mo...

Fun Fact

365 Marathons were completed in 365 days by Belgian Stefaan Engels. The 50 yr old logged 9,659 miles across 7 countries.

Drink More Water, Lose More Weight

A recent study published in Obesity found that drinking two eight-ounce glasses of water 30 minutes before meals caused participants to drop 44% more weight in 12 weeks time than dieting alone. Lead study author Brenda Davy says that guzzling two glasses before you eat can help you consume less food, about 75 to 90 fewer calories per meal. Other researchers have suggested that staying well hydrated may help increase metabolism, specifically fat metabolism. For weight loss, opt for plain H20 over enhanced water or vitamin drinks that contain calories. -Heather Hurlock

Is coffee the new green tea?

Good news ladies! Check out this article published on 03/14/11 in the Boston Globe which shows coffee can lower the risk of stroke in women: "Coffee, it seems, has gotten a bad rap- blamed for heart problems, higher cholesterol, and hyperactivity. Now many researchers believe that not only is coffee harmful, but it should be put in the category of health food. A study published Thursday in the journal Stroke finds that drinking coffee lowers stroke risk in women by 22-25% over a decade. Perhaps it's time for coffee to push aside green tea. "I think it's actually more healthfull than tea," contends Dr. Frank Hu, professor of nutrition and epidemiology at the Harvard School of Public Health. As an investigator on the Harvard Nurses' Health Study, Hu should know. He's identified a connection between coffee consumption and lower diabetes risk. In recent years coffee drinkers have been found to have a reduced risk of gallstones, colon cancer, liver disease, an...

Spring Promotion for Project Bread!

Diamond Chiropractic is excited to donate $10 to Project Bread for every new patient referral in the months of March and April. Project Bread is the state's leading antihunger organization. Their walk for hunger is the oldest continual pledge walk in the country and provides millions of dollars in privately donated funds to more than 400 emergency food programs in 130 communities statewide. The walk is held on 05/01/11. Here are some of the MANY ways you can make a difference: *Refer your friends/family to us and we'll donate on your behalf. Donate: Our office manager Emily Rapp is participating in the walk so you can make an online donation to her in order to support her in the Walk for Hunger. You can also donate by mail or over the phone, become a monthly donor, make a planned gift, honor someone, give a gift of stock, join a seasonal campaign, and even double your gift. Corporate Giving: Become a corporate contributor, nourish team building and a family-friendly culture wh...

What Do You Think Is Important?

What with cell phones, overnight delivery, drive up windows, microwave ovens, texting and the like, it seems the latest time-saving technology does little more than increase expectations and make us even busier than we were before we came up with all these modern "conveniences." How we use time to fulfill our priorities can be a major source of stress. How you use this precious resource reveals a lot about your purpose and what you value. Many of us work 60 and 70 hours a week in the hopes of having a better life for our families.But out families hardly see us. Could it be that we actually find our work more rewarding and fulfilling than our families? Turns out that success, achievement and a sense of peace are not destinations. You can have them instantly by slowing down and counting your blessings. Check your priorities. Stress is something we do to ourselves by what we think is important. And while chiropractic care can help each of us better accommodate stress, a better s...

Dr. Diamond receives Proficiency Rating in Activator Method

Activator Methods International has announced that Dr. Scott Diamond has achieved a Proficiency Rating in the Activator Method Chiropractic Technique for calendar year 2011. Such an achievement is a reflection of Dr. Diamond's significant commitment of time and energy to complete Activator's rigorous continuing education program. The designation also places Dr. Diamond in an elite class of chiropractic physicians who are expertly trained in the world's number one instrument adjusting technique. In order to receive a Proficiency Rating, a doctor must attend an Activator seminar and then successfully complete written and practical examinations. The rating is valid for one year, and the doctor must continue his training annually in the Activator Method to maintain this status. Dr. Diamond graduated from Life College in 1996 and specializes in treating patients with this gentle, low-force technique that is proven through clinical trials to provide relief for numerous ailments. ...

Secrets of the Super-Healthy

We all know someone, maybe even several people, who are healthy no matter what “bug” is going around. You know, the ones who show up on the job every day, who never use a single sick day all year. They seem to have been born with super healthy genes or powerful immunity to disease that helps them move easily through their lives – upbeat, positive and happy. What are they doing that you’re not? Maybe if you do what they do you’ll get what they get! Here are some tips for healthy living that you can use to be more like them, instead of being envious of them! • Exercise to raise your heart rate, oxygenate cells, increase circulation (which increases white blood cell count – the cells that fight disease), release endorphins (“feel good” brain chemicals), strengthen bones and muscles, release stress, gain energy and lose weight. There are so many benefits to exercise and you can accomplish all this with a 30-minute brisk walk daily! • Drink green tea and eat plenty of broccoli and apples...

That Darn Tuba Player!

Your brain and nervous system is the conductor that orchestrates the workings of your entire body. With clear communication between your brain and all the pieces of the orchestra that make up your body, the beautiful music we know as 'life' is produced. But many people have a problem with their tuba player! For some the tuba player could be their thyroid. Or their gallbladder. Or their stomach. Or their lower back, neck, immune system, ankles or kidneys. Or whatever. Their tuba player can't see the conductor or even hear what the rest of the orchestra is playing! That often causes one of two things. Sometimes the tuba player just sits quietly doing little or possibly nothing at all. Other times, the tuba player goes overboard with complicated scales and riffs totally out of synch with what the rest of the orchestra is playing. The medical approach would be to surgically remove the tuba player or chemically suppress the off-key notes. The chiropractic approach is to restore ...

Preparation for Outdoor Winter Activities Prevents Injury

Preparation for Outdoor Winter Activities Prevents Injury by The American Chiropractic Association When snow, ice and frigid weather blast into town, watch out, says the American Chiropractic Association (ACA). Winter recreational activities and chores can pose problems for the outdoor enthusiast whose body is not in condition. Winter sports like skating, skiing and sledding can cause painful muscle spasms, strains or tears if you're not in shape. Even shoveling snow the wrong way, clambering awkwardly over snow banks, slipping on sidewalks and wearing the wrong kinds of clothing can all pose the potential for spasms, strains and sprains. Simply walking outside in the freezing weather without layers of warm clothing can intensify older joint problems and cause a great deal of pain. As muscles and blood vessels contract to conserve the body's heat, the blood supply to extremities is reduced. This lowers the functional ca...

Using Technology Safely

Using Technology Safely by American Chiropractic Association Our bodies are made to move—not to maintain the same stooped-over posture for long periods of time. Be conscious of the risks involved with excessive use of PDAs or cell phones. Mobile technological devices have made our lives more convenient. We can now send e-mails, access the Internet, manage our schedules, and use spreadsheets and other office software all from our phones. While this makes it easier to accomplish tasks without being tethered to an office, this has also increased the amount of time we spend using these devices, which is not without risks. Before these advances in technology, our bodies moved as we used the phone and the computer, we walked to the fax machine, and we flipped through our calendars. Now we slump over a small screen with little change in our position. Our bodies are made to move—not to maintain the same stooped-over posture for long periods of time. This doesn’t mean you have to sacrifice thes...

Germ War

To boost your immunity, load your plate with fresh fruits and vegetables! Studies have shown that eating brightly colored produce, such as peppers, sweet potatoes, oranges and spinach may be your most important weapon against getting sick. These brightly colored foods are all rich in antioxidants, which protect immune cells from environmental assaults and speed up the production of white blood cells-responsible for destroying foreign viral or bacterial cells. More specifically,foods in the yellow-orange color group like oranges, tend to be high in vitamin C, which not only helps to stave off colds, but also helps to speed recovery from them. Tomato-based products contain Lycopene, an antioxidant that enhances the function of white blood cells. And, deep orange foods like carrots and sweet potatoes are high in beta-carotene, a precursor to the potent antioxidant, vitamin A, which also helps strengthen immune defense.

2010 Referrals

Diamond Chiropractic would like to thank all of our wonderful patients and business associates who referred their friends and family in to our office in 2010. Thanks to all of your referrals we were able to donate to and raise awareness of the following organizations: Celtics Shamrock Foundation Boston Aids Walk Epiphany School Bikes Not Bombs Art for Kool Kidz at Boston Children's Hospital The Home for Little Wanderers AFC Mentoring St. Francis House